That's what this diaper bag is fine crafted with. Not only does it have tons of storage, it has pockets that are the right size and in the right place. You know what I mean - you've got a pack of wipes and 6 diapers, and none of the pockets fit right? Not in this bag. My number one favorite thing about this bag is the diaper dispenser. Yes, dispenser. No more will you have dirty, crunched up diapers. I've got about 15 in the dispenser, no problem. There is a pocket designed for wipes. It comes with a plastic wipe dispenser, but I just buy the wipe pouches with pop open tops (not the tubs), and shove those in the dispenser. I can open the wipes without removing the package.
Here is what I have crammed in this bag as we speak. 15 diapers, package of wipes, six assorted tubes of makes up (lipstick, mascara, etc), giant wallet, gum, long sleeve outfits for my 2 month old, two year old, and three year old, one each, lotion, pacifier wipes, 2 pacis, two coloring books, two packs of crayons, 2 board books, two story books, 2 drinking cups for the older ones (open top), sunglasses, 15 disposable bibs, small first aid kit, comb, hair accessories, hand sanitizer, bottle of lotion, travel bottle of 409, 10 disposable changing pads, big changing pad (came with bag), empty bag for dirty laundry, and my nook. There is still some spare room in the top for a baby toy or stuffed animal. It also holds up to six 8 ounce bottles. Or, for me, four bottles with an ice pack. I have to take the ice because it's breastmilk, otherwise I could probably just cram my Dr Pepper in there, too. Best of all - this stuff is all organized, and I can put my hands on it without taking anything out of the bag. I am prepared for an afternoon away, no matter what.
There are two small things I can nitpick, in case the designers read this. It doesn't affect my 5 star rating, though. There is some wasted space in the top of the bag. I can set a stuffed animal on it, but it would fall out when I opened the bag to change the baby. If there were some kind of stuffable pouch, this might solve it. Second, the DVD front panel could be a bit more versatile. It is pretty flat, only big enough for a dvd player, and not even big enough for my wallet. However, I've got 2 small coloring books and 2 8-packs of crayons in there, so it is certainly not useless.
The bonus feature for me is the padded front pocket. It is the perfect size for my nook in its neoprene slip cover thingie. It's one of those things I don't always carry with me, because I don't feel it's protected in a diaper bag, but this pocket seems designed for something like this. I also like the elastic mesh pocket on the straps - perfect for my van keys. The outside elastic pockets are also tight enough that you can actually use them without something falling out. The bag also looks super easy to clean - just wipe it down.
I can't recommend this bag enough, especially if you've got several small kids. Mine are all 3 and under, so we need stuff. Lots of stuff. I definitely couldn't fill this for one child, but if you travel a lot, it would be great for the baby's stuff.
Bagus gan koleksi Tas Bayi nya